Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Digi pack planning

What is a digi-pak?

 A digi-pak is a type of packaging used for CD's or DVDs, which are typically make
 from cardboard with an internal plastic holder.
This is Jessie j's album cover, the over all image is bright and the main colour is White this ties in the the Album title 'Alive'. The fronts used are girly  and soft which contrast with the Hard black and white used on the cover.The image of Jessie is a close up showing that she owns the album and she is looking directly at the audience making them feel acknowledged. 


Monday, 11 November 2013

Genres of music - codes and conventions

A music genre is a category that separates different music styles. It is divided into different 'genres' in a number of ways for example if there was a smooth vocal arrangement alongside dance styled beats it would be considered to be  in the R&B genre ,differing if the music is dominated by the drums and guitars it would then fall under the indie or rock genre. One way to identifying a genre is through its vocals a instruments
However the big genres such as rock are broken down into smaller  sub-genres. Sub-genres are a lesser subordinated watered down versions of the genre in question.To simplify it is the same genre but with a slightly different approach and still continues to follow most of the codes and conventions

R&B- Rhythm and Blues -There are many aspects that go into the way R&B music videos are put together, especially as it is one of the more popular genres. The music videos are different deepening on whether the artist is male or female and also deepening on the target audience. Both male and female artist create the music videos that draw in their fan and potential fan and they do this is various ways. Several R&B music videos involve the singer being provocative and lacking some clothing regardless weather the video is aimed and a male or female audience the artist uses their sexual influence to pull viewers into their video.  It is important that the artist themselves whether male or female are attractive, as this encourages the viewers to want to be like the artist or want to be with them, therefore encouraging them to buy the single/album. The videos are usually very sexual and both males and females convey their sexuality through the lack of clothing. A lot of the locations used in R&B music videos are extremely unusual also they assist the performance greatly, making the viewer want to be there. Many gender stereotypes are challenged throughout R&B music videos although there are particular things referenced or expected from the public throughout the majority of music videos of this genre. The videos are usually of a performance nature from the artist, which engages the audience and entertains them.  
Here is a link to the video


Pop- A lot of pop artist nowadays have performance based music videos where by the singer or the band are lip syncing to lyrics which are a lot of the time very catchy and relatable, whilst they are perfuming either through dancing or through a narrative storyline. Although it is ever changing, many pop songs involve a basic template, which involves a love story between boy and girl; this is especially shown when the singer is female. Similar to R&B, stereotypes are focused on largely and much of what is shown on-screen relates back to gender theory that women enjoying drooling over males. In general the couple start apart in the video and as the song progress the end up in a relationship. If this romance idea does not apply then the song is generally a happy story. This differs slightly in more original music videos. Similar to R&B the males and females featuring in this type of music video are also good-looking and this is greatly focused on by the use of camera angles. Once again mise en scene is crucial and involves bright lighting and popular costume choices. Once again, there are specific elements of this genre that is expected by the consumer in a music video of this genre ;Romance, Upbeat track, Happy ending, Bright colours, Daytime, Close-ups There are many popular pop artists including popular favorites such as Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Carly Rae Jepson. An example of this genre of music is ‘Teenage Dream’ by Katy Perry.Link to the 'You the One'

Rock-Another genre popular throughout the world is Rock and due to the strength of the lyrics/music, videos are largely formed from live performances. Some music videos for this genre also share narrative and performance based style. The performance section of a rock video shows the said band performing in front of a large crowd of supporters as this highlights how popular they are as a band and allows them to address the audience. The narrative piece of video is normally related to romance or action, with the band members generally involved. Mise en scene is crucial for this unique type of music video especially lighting as this makes the piece feel very much alive. There are many flashes throughout rock to keep the beat of the music. Props are also essential as throughout, musical instruments play a key part in this type of music video and the target audience have stereotypical ideas about what band members should be wearing including dark/black clothing. There are clear codes and conventions in relation to what the target audience expect from a rock music video and these are referenced below:Crazy  hairstyles, Musical instruments, Dark clothing, Performances, Narrative, Particular lighting and Crowds.Link to 'How You Remind Me'

Wednesday, 6 November 2013



Hello , and welcome to my blog.

I will proceed to investigate and evaluate the musioc video industry : on this blog you will find analysis of music videos from different genres ; as well as the presentation of my own ideas and interpretations, in my own muisc video. Feel free  to comment leave questions and tips on things you would like me to talk about
