Saturday, 29 March 2014

Richard Dyer -Star theory

                                                               Star Theory

Richard Dyers star theory focuses  on the  idea that icons and celebrities are created d by institutions for their own financial gain. He believes that stars are constructed to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions.Stars are manufactured by the music industry for the sole purpose of of  to make money out of audience, who respond to various elements of a star’s personality by buying records and becoming fans. 

                           He splits is theory into three different subheadings 

                                                   Audiences and Institutions


This is  the same as the audience and institution part of his theory. 

 Institutions & Audience 

'Stars' are created just to bring in revenue,and by increasing the brand identity is beneficial for the institution as they  become  popular household names through the increase in sales in all media platforms of which they are in. Institutions model their  artists based on their target audience


Also know as 'culture'.
This is the idea that the audience can relate to the star because  they share a feature or they have something that they admire about the star leading some fans to even try to replicate the stars behavior ranging from what they wear to what they say and do.Although this can have  this can have some positive impact it can also have negative impact as some artist are into taking drinks and heavy drinkers . An example in the 60's and 70's  the rise in sale of cannabis  as 'The Beatles were open about their own use of the drug. As well as rappers in today's society being extremely explicit and open about their drug and alcohol use,it have now become the norm for their fan base.  Stars represent shared cultural values and attitudes, as promote a certain ideology. Audience interest in these values enhances their 'star quality', and it is through conveying beliefs, ideas and opinions outside music that performers help create their star character to their fans.

 A star may start a fashion trend, with masses of fans copying their hairstyle and clothing. Stars benefit from cultural discourse for example, via their Twitter feed.  I.e Lady Gaga  and Nicki Minaj and Rihannah

Social networking sites such as ; Facebook, instagram, twitter and tumblr give  stars the opportunity to establish their own values outside their music. Lady Gaga tweets frequently about issues, and expects her “Little Monsters” (The name of which Lady Gaga calls her fans)   As well as 'The Navy ' -Rihannah  fans. 

Richard Dyers star theory is the idea that icons and celebrities are manufactured by institutions for financial gain. He believes that stars are constructed to represent 'real people' experiencing real emotions. Stars are manufactured by the music industry to serve a purpose; to make money out of audience, who respond to various elements of a star’s personality by buying records

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