Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Analysis of Alicia Key - Diary of Alicia Keys Album

Before  I Started on my own digi-pak, I searched other professional  digi-pak i that i would later  draw ideas from and others that i didn't think would fit with the image i wanted to portray.

Alicia Keys 
Album name- Diary of Alicia keys 

I really like this digi-pak because it wasn't just a picture of the artist but it also reflects her style ,personality and ability. The picture of the piano  is there to remind the audience that  she can play a music instrument and and  maybe even connotative that she composes her own music which makes her music very personal which is something that can draw her target audience. The filter of the white small dots over the image makes it seem like the image is old which links in the the name of the album being ' Diary of Alicia keys'. This makes her target  audience feel like they are on the journey with her and involve them in her. Although it is only half of her face in the front cover it is very effect as the piano is dominating the image which shows the audience that her music is whats more important and again remind they audience that she is Alicia keys as it is her brand. 
 The Image of the keys on her CD reinforce her own name and could possibly be  link with her music being   the key into her life story. (they key to her diary) 
The font on the CD itself ,front and back is all the same which makes the it uniform and very professional 
I really liked this particular Digi-pak as it tells the audience so much about the artist before they have even listened to her music. 

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