Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Evaluation question 1 -In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge form and conventions of real media products?

After completing As media made the decision to carry on to A2 media as i enjoyed the whole processes. Although at A2 the task proved a little but tricky i still thoroughly enjoyed creating this project. The task at hand was to create a music video alongside a digipak and magazine advertisement with evidence of the planning as we go along. In my product i feel like i challenged as well as developed the forms and conventions of real professional media products.

In my product i did not have many shots of my artist close ups whilst singing.This is one think that would have been expected of an R&B music video However i wanted to focus on the narrative simply because i felt that there was a bigger story to tell through the narrative and that what i wanted the audience to focus of before anything else.  Also in a professional R&B music video the artist,especially female artist would be expected to have more than one outfit change as this would show their success. In my music video I wanted to make the artist allot more relatable to to the target audience, I wanted them I see that although she is successful she's just like the rest of us. Goodwin's theory states that artist use voyeurism (that is the exploitation of women (or male) in order to attract there desired audience. Female artist will wear very provocative clothing or lack thereof and this would attract the male audience and possibly encourage them to want a body like the artist and admire  her confidence of showing her body in the way she does. I also used footage from the movie "Superman Returns" I did this in order to help the narrative of the song . Not only was it helpful but it further the devolved the wants and need of my artist.

I didn't want to drift too far from the genre of R&B so I decided to keep allot of the forms, for example by having visual that were linked with the images of the screen. I kept this the same in order for the viewer to understand what the artist was trying to express, I also didn't want to divert attention from the artist message in the song. In addition  I also tried hard to get a variety of locations.

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